

is taiwan safe的相關標籤

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關於is taiwan safe的評價, 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen

今天是2021年的元旦,首先要祝大家新年快樂。昨晚睡覺以前,相信很多人都有種感覺,那就是「漫長的一年,終於過去了」。    去年的今天,在全世界都還沒注意到疫情可能發生時,我們開始針對武漢來台班機登機...

Leng Yein

好好的,突然間倒下。馬來西亞醫院說我對海鮮過敏。淋巴腺腫大發炎。由於還在工作 所以一直硬頂。直到回馬...

歡迎大家蒞臨,參訪日來當志工幫狗狗理毛洗澡 分享一下,感謝您的收看與分享 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1612231515618287&id=482873861887397 每週六日參觀與認養日,歡迎您的蒞臨 每週六日參訪結束 #八爺的店 大約六點左右會直播販賣商品 歡迎大家來觀看和購買,感恩 風火輪車隊所有隊員都是癱瘓,無法正常行走的狗狗🐕 風火輪車隊教會我們靜待因緣 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=761740837334030&id=482873861887397 記錄這些照片和影片,是要讓更多人知道,苦難還在,只是換了地方,換了受害對象 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1309643915877050&id=482873861887397 第一張照片是今天所拍攝 第二~四張是5年前所拍的照片 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1057038331137611&id=482873861887397 1/5 參觀與認養日🐕記實🎉 新年的第一禮拜,好運旺旺🧧 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1440131429494964&id=482873861887397 每週六,日是園區的參觀認養日歡迎您~ 開放時間:每個星期六日早上11點至下午5點 地址:台南市將軍區西和里西湖112號 #Google搜尋 徐文良(徐園長護生園) We are a private animal shelter and most of our animals are available for adoption. We currently have over 3,000 animals at the shelter which we have rescued and rehabilitated after suffering life threatening injuries. We believe that all llifeforms deserve respect and we hope to teach others to do the same. We are not only an animal shelter but also a organization that advocates for respecting all living beings. All of our 3000+ animals once suffered critical injuries, but now after treatment they live a carefree and happy life at the shelter. All the rescued dogs at the shelter have experienced an inhumane and troubled past. We have rescued these dogs and protect them in order to give them a safe life. The shelter is currently home to over three thousand dogs and cats. We do what we believe is right and do not wish to see any living being suffer. If you are ever in Taiwan please do come visit the shelter. We would like to invite everyone to visit the shelter and interact with our rescued dogs who have overcome many hardships in life. The shelter is open to the public on weekend. We would like to welcome you all to interact with our dogs or adopt these rescued dogs. Opening hours: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

歡迎大家蒞臨,參訪日來當志工幫狗狗理毛洗澡 分享一下,感謝您的收看與分享 https://m.fac...